(Sie)rra (Do)dd, the Dosie in the Dough
Lawyering during the day and rolling dough at night, this candlelight baker uses cookies as a way to decompress, to flex her creative muscles, and to make people smile. An Arizona native, a newlywed, and a believer in the power of sweets. Thanks for coming to visit Dosie Dough!

After meeting my now husband in law school and jumping into the heart of civil litigator life, this gal needed a way to decompress. I avidly searched Pinterest for "relaxing" hobbies, and I ended up trying knitting, beading, sewing, you name it. But when I tried out the sugar cookie game, it was game over. I spent hours and days making cookies for everyone I knew. Family, friends, friends of friends, friends of friends of friends...you get it.
So now, here I am, giving it an official go so that I can keep doing what I love and give cookies to all who want them! I am so happy you are here, and thank you for checking us out!